helllooo everyone,
Just happen to see that i havent shared this, so i quickly wrote up this thing. This is a new class written by me to extract the icon assigned to a file in your current system.
Ex: Get the icon you see for mp3 files when you open your music folder
Many at first think this is just a WIN API wrapper for the SHGetfileinfo function. NOPE, that method would just grab the icon from an existing file, but if the files donot exist, say you make something like winzip and you need to show the icons of the file list inside, there's no way to use that method. So the only way is to retrieve it from the registry.
Class Name: getIconFrmReg.vb
Make a new class named getIconFrmReg and paste this code.
You can get the icon by calling the getIcon() function
Used this in ma extractor:
That's it, and you'll get the icon returned, you can use this within imageLists or anything.
NOTE: This can extract icons in 98% of the cases but some rare cases are still being explored
Just happen to see that i havent shared this, so i quickly wrote up this thing. This is a new class written by me to extract the icon assigned to a file in your current system.
Ex: Get the icon you see for mp3 files when you open your music folder
Many at first think this is just a WIN API wrapper for the SHGetfileinfo function. NOPE, that method would just grab the icon from an existing file, but if the files donot exist, say you make something like winzip and you need to show the icons of the file list inside, there's no way to use that method. So the only way is to retrieve it from the registry.
Class Name: getIconFrmReg.vb
'Retrieving the icon for an ext. from the registry
'@author: ManZzup
'@company: ZONTEK http://zontek.zzl.org
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class getIconFrmReg
Public Declare Function ExtractIconEx Lib "shell32.dll" (ByVal lpszFile As String, ByVal nIconIndex As IntPtr, ByRef phiconLarge As IntPtr, ByRef phiconSmall As IntPtr, ByVal nIcons As Integer) As IntPtr
Dim regKey As String = My.Computer.Registry.ClassesRoot.ToString & "\"
Shared Function getIconFromEx(ByVal file As String, ByVal index As Integer)
Dim iconPtr As IntPtr
Dim myicon As Icon
ExtractIconEx(file, index, iconPtr, Nothing, 1)
myicon = Icon.FromHandle(iconPtr)
Return myicon
End Function
Function getIcon(ByVal ext As String) As Icon
'Get the register value for the specified key
Dim regVal As String = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue(regKey & ext, "", Nothing)
Dim iconVal As String = ""
Dim filen As String
Dim nIndex As Integer
'Specify the icon for .exe files
If ext = ".exe" Then
iconVal = "shell32.dll,2"
'Specifi the common procedure
ElseIf regVal <> "" Then
If Not My.Computer.Registry.GetValue(regKey & regVal & "\DefaultIcon", "", Nothing) = Nothing Then
iconVal = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue(regKey & regVal & "\DefaultIcon", "", Nothing)
iconVal = "shell32.dll,0"
End If
ElseIf ext = "dir" Then
iconVal = "shell32.dll,4"
End If
If iconVal.Length < 5 Then
iconVal = "shell32.dll,0"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error in icon")
End Try
Dim splt() As String = iconVal.Split(",")
filen = splt(0).Trim(" ").Trim(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(34))
nIndex = splt(1).Trim(" ")
Dim icon As Icon
icon = getIconFromEx(filen, nIndex)
Return icon
End Function
End Class
Make a new class named getIconFrmReg and paste this code.
You can get the icon by calling the getIcon() function
Function getIcon(ByVal ext As String) As Icon
Dim iconExtract As New getIconFrmReg
Me.Icon = iconExtract.getIcon(".mp3")
Used this in ma extractor:
That's it, and you'll get the icon returned, you can use this within imageLists or anything.
NOTE: This can extract icons in 98% of the cases but some rare cases are still being explored
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